Hemp Derived THC truffles - 4 count, 25mg each. WARNING: Contains milk products and nuts.
All products are federally compliant below .3% D9 THC.
I purchased this because I am always in searing agony. My legs feel like I’m being shot in them all the time from MS. I also have a spinal cord cyst and CRPS1. I’m basically an inflamed ball of excruciating pain. I have a lot of problems sleeping from it too; so cue massive exhaustion & anxiety from pain & lack of sleep….I did the rookie mistake of taking 1/2 & when I didn’t feel anything an hour later, I took the other half right as the first half unknowingly to me was kicking in. As I suffer from anxiety; I’ll just say my “trip”, was not pleasant. The horror high wore off in 4 hours (thank Christ!); but the pain relief…….lasted for ELEVEN HOURS! I was kind of tired but my body felt normal again (not high at this point); like before I got sick. I walked the dog literally 2 miles, cleaned the house, did all my errands - no problem. I still swore I’d never go near this stuff again bc the initial high freaked me out…..I’m now on my 4th container. I cut them in half now & never take a full one. This has helped me sleep through the night for 9-10 hours & I wake up with little pain (doesn’t last like the first time I took it); but I’m very happy with the benefits I am now getting from this and it has helped me reduce my pain medication. . I’m not a “pot” person. I’m a legal prescription person. None of the crap the doctors give me come close to producing the pain relief I get from these. Apparently delta 9 can reduce inflammation; so this stuff is definitely something I need to be taking. Works even better than the steroids to for “flares” in the summer heat. I’m still a newbie to this stuff but I can attest that it works BIG TIME! And if you take meds, definitely check for interactions before you take it; but I strongly believe that this and other products that are similar to this are far more effective for pain management, help with sleep & definitely reduce inflammation. If you’re new & unsure definitely take a little at a time. I’m happy I got the courage (pain won that night); to try these again. They’re now a staple in my nightly medicine routine.
The truffles taste great, I usually cut each one into quarters, relaxing buzz. If you take more, try to have a piece of taffy to further relax
D9 Milk Chocolate Truffles (Peanut Butter)
D8 Milk Chocolate Truffles (Peanut Butter)
5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
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